Find The Right Firm and The Right Legal Advice.
www.levinslaw.co.uk: If you https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk office 476207 levins-solicitors" check out the page< a> about Levins Law on their site you'll see alternate contact details, SRA regulatory status, staff information, areas of practice, languages spoken, and more. We don't just g...www.iwcprobateservices.co.uk: Or worse, they just sell your case to a completely different firm. to try and balance the negative reviews people were posting about them. Many firms hate review sites and we've covered a couple of firms where a chunk of the 5 star reviews were clearly
www.masonbullock.co.uk: Mason Bullock are registered with The Law Society of England & Wales and about this firm you'll see Andrew Crisp's stated areas of expertise and that he ...
www.dvsolicitors.com: Never discuss payments or bank details over email. So it's an unusual but good sign. A good mix of seasoned wisdom alongside new fresh blood. Not every case requires a solicitor at a huge law firm. There are titles such as 'How Brexit is going to Affect the Immigration Pol...
www.5essexcourt.co.uk: Prior to 2004, it was necessary to instruct a firm of solicitors or third party. We've linked to the official www.5essexcourt.co.uk above but www.5essexcourt.com is currently a chinese lottery site. But on the whole, solicitors will tend to hire a third party barrister to do...
www.kudoslegal.co.uk: There are also several firms in the UK using the name 'Kudos' including Kudos Legal Services and Kudos Law Ltd which are both different organisations. So despite many law firms making a fuss of their heritage - in our opinion it's meaningless in relation to the experiece o...
www.richmondlegalltd.co.uk: 'Jack of all trades, master of none' springs to mind. Every single legal professional will state they provide expert legal advice . It's pretty bleak though and only getting worse. The main one for English Welsh legal professionals is The Law Society of England & Wales and ...
www.redwoodcollections.com: So if you do see negative reviews of any debt collection company - pay attention to whether they just happen to be the person that ended up having to pay the debt - i.e. Some are set up to send threatening letters and do some doorstep visits. Some are setup to send threaten...
www.aspirelicensing.co.uk: You can always hang up and ring back on the phone number you know is correct to ask about it. Mostly due to having recieved an email that looked official telling them to change over and send the house deposit money to a totally different bank account. Certainly we can't thin...
Please check out the new US Law Firm Reviews section on our sister site.
www.otssolicitors.co.uk: So stars don't always reflect real position in the minds of previous clients. This designation is possible for such firms because whilst they do list several types of legal matter to be dealt with, the individual solicitors within the practice may only handle one case type ...
www.reidblack.com: Many firms will either charge a reduced price for an initial interview or give you a very reduced free section of time such as 15-30 mins before starting to charge. Quite often this is not reflected in the public reviews of those firms.
class="infoquote "We are widely ...
www.london-law.co.uk: But on the whole, firms that are comfortable displaying their team's experience, expertise and direct contact details are not just creating a more open and friendly dynamic with potential clients - but also confirming the capabilities of the firm as a whole. This type of co...
www.dfalaw.co.uk: Titles such as "The end of ‘furlough’ – what now?", "Employment Tribunal fees abolished with immediate effect" and "Commercial Property – Changes to the Use Classes Order" are just that extra flourish we think shows mindfulness towards their industry and consumers as a...
www.fieldfisher.com: But Fieldfisher actually list their achievements with links including Legal Business Awards 'Law Firm of the Year', Solicitors Journal 'Personal Injury Firm of the Year', and a 'Top Tier Rank' in the Legal 500. There are various such organisations but this one has the best...
www.bilkusandboyle.com: We always advise reading actual comments rather than just flicking through ratings though. If you've already been through a dozen law firms' websites today searching for one to take your case, you'll probably have noticed the majority use the same types of sales language, ...
www.pennchambers.co.uk: Of course, finding them is the tricky part. However, if you see 'established in 1883' that doesn't mean there is an 150-year-old solicitor sat behind the desk running things. We noticed though, that some of the reviews on the third party boards are actually the ones used ...
www.sbwlaw.co.uk: Conditional fee arrangement are most common amongst more difficult cases such as medical negligence claims against the NHS or severe life-changing injuries. They are overall very positive and several do comment on the friendliness and supportiveness of the staff. At this o...
The site is https so should be secure for entering your personal information into their contact forms. A final word from Linkilaw about their services:
class="infoquote "With straight forward and clear-cut advice, we help start-ups and entrepreneurs navigate law t...
www.trustinheritance.com: The Law Society of England & Wales is actually one of the best we've seen for this sort of user-focused data provision. For example Gillian Grinyer having qualified in 1980, Ekta Porter qualifying in 2010, right up to incredibly newbie Abraam Azir qualifying in 2021.
The firm did have testimonials on their website as well but at the time of us viewing they were stuffed into a tiny video-style playback box near the bottom of pages. Although according to our poll a couple of years ago, most people don't trust or at least don't pay ...
www.theinjurysolicitor.com: But these differences should definitely be explained clearly by the firm you are thinking of going with. If you've used our legal help search service before or read any of our articles on law firms, you'll know we like to detail a range of firms. However there is a firm usin...
www.gloverpriest.com: We have offices that span the midlands region, so we can offer the support of a large group, all from a local office."< div>. They even state having roots in the area as far back as 1749, although clarify this is under a different trading name. Typically when a firm gets qui...
www.frankrogerslaw.co.uk: If not, then it's likely you will have to pay up front to get any real advice. There is a Law Society website for each area.
There aren't any step by step guides on how to handle a defence yourself. There are several other factors you should weigh up and research bef...
www.taborns.com: On those occasions we have to use our 'gut' backed by 20+ years experience working with law firms across the UK. They will also generally have different appeal. No matter how hard a firm tries, that's just how things come out. A last word from Taborns:
www.aconveyancing.com: But if any issues come up - you may end up having to switch to a more widely experienced firm and starting all over again. Especially in England and Wales where things can easily fall apart right up until the actual exchange. So what can you use to judge the experience and ...
A quite note on navigation as the this is obviously the barrister's name as the branding and web address. Whether a general commercial law issue, shareholder dispute, insolvency, employment disagreement, or a regulatory disciplinary matter.
If you are thinking of ...
www.seriousinjurylaw.co.uk: Typically if the firm's website does not have 'Serious Catastrophic Injuries' as a specific case title on the front page of their website along with at least one full page about their abilities and experience in that area - we would suggest moving on to the next firm. Howeve...
www.sr-law.co.uk: the story is the same as you can see from the few snippets above. But as they deal in property matters, we would absolutely recommend bookmarking the website to make sure you come back to the correct one in the future. the domains www.simonsrodkin.co.uk and the dot com ver...
class="infoquote "Individuals and businesses that have been referred to us are usually by other legal professionals, former or existing clients, personal recommendations, local business, and community links."< div>. For example, the last firm we reviewed had a lot of ...
www.hampsonhughes.com: We don't like them for various reasons such as often being misleading and helping reduce claims to simply being about money. So do we recommend Hampson Hughes?
class="infoquote "Our objective is to ensure we recover the maximum amount of personal injury compensation ...
class="infoquote "APS Legal & Associates and Assured Probate Services are subsidiaries of The SimplyBiz Group."< div>
The firms other arm, Assured Probate Services, has an individual website at www.assured-aic.co.uk, again none of the other variants such as www.as...
www.33legal.uk: I will therefore do my best to be concise for this 33 Legal review.
class="infoquote "Here at 33 Legal we like to ensure the right amount of compensation goes to those who are entitled. Even Medical Negligence and Criminal Injury cases will typically be no win, no fee....
We think it's fair to say though that after 12+ years of them being in business, with the relationships they have with other renown service providers, and the single-product-focus they clearly have - it stands to reason they are good at what they do .
The correct ...
www.mcewanfraserlegal.co.uk: If you've used our site before for either searching for legal help or to check an article on a firm you're already thinking of, you'll know that we tend to cover more 'fringe' firms that either focus on an intensely niche area of law or provide a unique service. Therefore fi...
www.apprisels.co.uk: We try to locate large firms, small firms, specialists and different types of legal professional for each area. We assume the web address is meant to be taken as AppriseLS. In the US it has been used for much longer. On those we still found very positive comments:
www.ainakhanlaw.com: You confidently and quickly traced his hidden assets"
"When I transferred my case to you from other lawyers, I had lost all hope of seeing my son again. On this occasion though, we're going to break with tradition because the comments are not the usual "Highly recomme...
www.oj-solicitors.co.uk: A last word to the firm:
class="infoquote "Ioan is a dual-qualified legal professional, Scottish solicitor and Romanian in house lawyer who holds a Master's degree in European and International Law. There are dozens including Yelp, Google, Facebook, Yell.com, Trustpilo...
www.allsopdurnllp.co.uk: We've had someone rant about 'capitalist law firms!' on our reviews and seen someone give a 1 star rating to a Divorce specialist for refusing to take on their Personal Injury case. really.) So always put the star ratings into context by reading the comments that go with. ...
Another type of scam going round right now is https: www.theguardian.com money 2020 jul 18 homebuyer-loses-300000-to-fraudsters-but-gets-it-back-after-we-step-in" targeting people trying to buy or sell a house< a> in order to get them to accidentally deposit money i...
www.ianmallon.com: They provided details about work history, length of time working as a solicitor and current roles on top of having direct contact details. We're sure the firm's extra step of translating the site to cater for that has not gone unappreciated. (The fact we're a Scottish firm a...
class="infoquote "received a very helpful, detailed and accurate service"
"always available to answer all my questions at any time of the process"
"the service was prompt, efficient and accurate"
"very approachable and knowledgeable"< div>
All the r...
www.averywalters.com: Another has been responded to saying no such person has ever been a client at their firm to begin with. Of course some of it is just common sense and a bit of online experience.
class="infoquote "... For example, Amanda Cuthbert qualified in 1993, David Cartwright in 2...
www.nvlegal.co.uk: It absolutely is possible for a firm to be a specialist in this area in the same way a Family Law specialist will be expert in both Divorce and Child Support matters.
Certainly that last comment is very impressive. Hence, why we have already included them on our netw...
www.thorpewilson.co.uk: The Law Society of England & Wales has an excellent website offering a wide range of information about the legal professionals and law offices registered with them.
If you look up https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk office 620184 thorpe-wilson-limited" the page for ...
www.driscollkingston.co.uk: But the fact it's not simply a pile of extra sales pitches disguised as articles - speaks volumes. There are only a handful of reviews in places such as Google, 192 and Facebook with ratings as low as 1 star out of 5. But as we plan on recommending them to other people - we...
www.rdcostings.co.uk: But there are a few areas of law where using a specialist firm is held up as the ideal. The focus is usually on Road Accidents, Work Injuries and Slip Trips. This is a costs drafting firm aimed at lawyers themselves. These can include Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Domesti...
We've seen much worse though, such as a Criminal Law firm with a negative review for refusing to listen to someone about their divorce case. Whilst many legal practices and other industry companies will boast about their testimonial page, the fact Lindsays' page is not...
www.educationlawservice.com: One last point made on the firm's website:
class="infoquote "We advise all parents families to take early action, early intervention can be most effective."< div>
For some types of legal matter you can have anything from several months to three whole years to addr...
Thousands of people have lost millions of pounds to these fraudsters. You'll note that they have solicitors that have qualified in every decade from the past 40 years including Philip Lisle who qualified in 1981, Julie Burgess (1996), Rebecca Baker (2005), right up to...
www.penerley.co.uk: This is because some people's complaints can be ridiculously petty, and some can be attached to the totally wrong firm. But so far we've not seen anything too extreme such as beanbag chairs in the conference room.
Penerleys only had three online reviews that we saw aft...
www.awhsolicitors.co.uk: These are old names or names of firms they have merged with so should really no longer apply. If you check the https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk organisation people 594279 awh-legal-ltd?Solicitors=True" entries for AWH< a> you'll see a huge list of qualified staff. Pete...
www.jarmanssolicitors.co.uk: But outside of that, they do the traditional 9am-5pm solicitors hours with closures on bank holidays. Not to mention Skype Facetime consultations where physical appointments are not possible. What does that mean? Well, at the very least they are modern enough to understand ...
www.drivingdefences.co.uk: They also have offices in two of the largest population centres in England. Trust us, that's impressive. Not winning a trial in court. Many places around the country offer to send you to a Safe Driving course rather than formally prosecute you. The ones above are taken from ...
www.hutcheonlaw.co.uk: For example if there are twenty 5 star reviews all posted within a few days of each other two years ago by reviewers who have all only ever posted that one review and not any about other companies.
R James Hutcheon Solicitors go beyond niche covering a range of case ty...
www.pumpcourtchambers.com: However to be qualified to handle such, the barrister you speak to should absolutely be capable of informing you quite early on if your case can be handled under those terms before you part with a single penny.
class="infoquote "Cordelia was very friendly and put thing...
www.lawcomm.co.uk: If you needed to speak to someone in particular and they were busy you always got a call back quickly."
"Tahzeem handled our property very professionally from the start to completion, she is well organised and get things done"
"I recently bought a house and they m...