Find The Right Firm and The Right Legal Advice.
www.girlings.com: But are there any benefits differences in using a firm that has a split setup like this? class="infoquote "At Girlings we place the highest value on client care and the quality of our service and as one of Kent’s leading law firms, we are here to make it easy for ...www.acitylawfirm.com: For example: class="infoquote "Named: Most innovative law firm, London"< div> class="infoquote "Voted top legal 500 family law firm"< div> These snippets from the firm's website are far more specific than you might normally see. So for any firm you're abl...
www.mark-croft-solicitor.co.uk: We've been working with law firms for over twenty years now and out of over 200 firms currently on our network, only 15 work with Legal Aid. For some reason, the buyer doesn't bother checking up on this before transferring the entire house deposit to the fraudster's bank acc...
www.acsl.org.uk: Some firms provide staff profile pages which we think aren't just a good side offering, but essential these days. We know this does happen alot with property matters, where clients of the other side start leaving negative messages about the buyer seller's solicitor. U...
www.eatons-solicitors.co.uk: So how can you tell whether the firm, or your individual solicitor, has a good level of experience? class="infoquote "Each of our partners brings a wealth of knowledge and unique expertise"< div> The firm does have a https: www.eatons-solicitors.co.uk our-pa...
www.keesolicitors.co.uk: But that made some of the drop down menus and site text a little harder to single out and use. The firm does link to a testimonial page on their site, but it looks as though it has a built-in display of their Trustpilot reviews. If you're trying to look for reviews on Google...
www.lyonslaw.co.uk: Some people have https: www.bankofscotland.co.uk securityandprivacy protecting-yourself-from-fraud keep-your-home-safe-mortgage-deposit-scams.html" handed their entire house deposit< a> into a fraudsters bank account. That's how a firm can 'specialise' in a long list of c...
www.cook-law.co.uk: We provide expert personal legal services throughout the Wirral Peninsula and North West England."< div> That's the first paragraph from the website of law firm Cook Legal Ltd . So if a law firm has several offices, you have to look up each one individually if using...
www.waterstoneps.com: Company websites can crash or require maintenance or updates that might require the original site to be taken down. On top of that we've also seen a criminal law specialist receive a negative review for refusing to take on someone's divorce case, and many firm's getting 5 st...
www.crockettsolicitors.co.uk: It also wouldn't be too difficult for some people to misspell the name with the double K at the end. So what are people saying on those forums? class="infoquote "still helping me to this day" "very professional, helpful and efficient" "made the process less stre...
www.wildcatlaw.co.uk: class="infoquote "Unlike most law firms in England and Wales we offer both Solicitors and Barristers in one firm."< div> This statement on Wildcat Law's site is another that stood out to us as important. So what can? class="infoquote "When reviewing th...
www.brianbarr.co.uk: So while the case list handled by the firm as a whole may be huge, your assigned solicitor may only handle one or two of those areas of law. However some firms are better at client testimonials than others. class="infoquote "Leading https: www.nhs.uk conditions ...
www.brodies.com: You need to find the things that set firms apart from each other, not what just sounds good on a webpage next to an image of lawyers smiling and shaking hands. Certainly Brodies https: brodies.com expertise businesses-and-organisations case-studies " caters for this need<...
www.twbprobatesolicitors.com: As you can see from https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk office 2235 twbprobatesolicitors-limited" the page on this firm< a> - solicitor Howard Brown has been a qualified solicitor since 1984. clients complete a relatively comprehensive questionnaire which is followed up b...
www.horsleylaw.co.uk: 95% Cases Won. So where can you regularly get useful information about lawyers and legal practices? For example today we're using Horsley Law: class="infoquote "A Law Firm With a Difference"< div> As they claim at the very top of their website. They are a limi...
www.evelake.co.uk: Be alert throughout your transaction. How does Eve Lake Conveyancing fare on the comment forums? class="infoquote "provided exceptional services throughout the entire process" "extremely quick to get the purchase completed" "went above and beyond to bring thing...
www.thomasandthomassolicitors.co.uk: Beyond that, you have firms claiming to be 'local' which sounds great. For any firm or individual solicitor https: solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk organisation offices 466551 thomas-and-thomas-solicitors-limited" you can look up< a> whether they are registered along w...
www.buchananco.co.uk: The official web address we link to above is www.buchananco.co.uk and although the expected variant of www.buchananandco.co.uk redirects you there, www.buchananco.com is currently owned by a different company. We've been working in the legal industry for over 20 years and ...
www.mccarthy.ie: English and Welsh potential clients can check out all related trading names, contact information, areas of law specialised in, even the individual names and qualification dates of each solicitor within the firm. class="infoquote "At our last Q9000 quality assurance au...
www.emdlaw.co.uk: On this occasion the firm's official web address also matches the branding being located at www.emdlaw.co.uk, but note that www.emdlaw.com is for a different firm. class="infoquote "The firm has two offices; the Head Office is in Staplehurst, Kent and there is a branc...
www.hcrlaw.com: class="infoquote "We put our trust in the medical professionals who look after us. As you can see they are generally positive. The Law Society lists Child and Parent Law, Eagle HR, Harrison Clark Rickerbys inc Gordon Lutton, Harrison Clark Rickerbys inc Shawcross, w...
www.lslegaluk.com: A quick note on navigation though as the official website we link to above is www.lslegaluk.com with none of the most common variants such as www.lslegal.co.uk .com redirecting you there. This becomes even more important for cases such as Immigration where the ...
www.sternberg-reed.co.uk: They offer a considerable amount of useful information to users. For example just entering the words sternberg and reed will bring up no reviews. Sternberg Reed displays practice staff with experience spanning the past six decades such as Elizabeth Bendall who qualifi...
www.pcslegal.co.uk: This means delays are common during what is already a difficult and nerve racking time for clients. Again, many people end up picking the conveyancer they like without checking with their mortgage provider first which can cause issues. The Council for Licensed Conveyancers...
www.njslaw.co.uk: There are plenty of other sentences on law firm's websites that can help though, and you might be missing them. Alternate searches such as 'njs law' or even typical mis-spellings such as 'nicholas jones sutton' brought up the correct firm. That's not a criticism. However you...
www.sarahandrewslaw.co.uk: The main points seem to be that a larger firm will have more resources and 'weight', but you might feel as just another case number to them. Therefore while your local takeaway might have hundreds of reviews , your local solicitor might only have a handful. The official web...
www.gsbsolicitors.co.uk: Their claim of 30 years' experience though may sound small https: find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk company SC507024 officers" in comparison< a> to some firms claiming decades and even centuries of experience on their websites. We can also assist with wil...
www.wymlegal.com: class="infoquote "We provide the best customer service in the industry, combined with modern-day processes and technology to ensure you are kept updated, informed and stress-free!"< div> Obviously to check up on statements like these by any company most people w...
www.cullimoredutton.co.uk: If you've flicked through a few of our articles already you'll hopefully have noticed that we try to mix reviews of any firm with general information that might help you make a decision about which firm to use. The site is also https secure for submitting contact details vi...
www.drummondmiller.co.uk: That may sound like something you would never fall for. On top of that, property buying selling is the only legal service product we know where the opposite side consistently leaves negative reviews as well. Solicitors could work from home, create their own startup firm, and...
www.wolflaw.co.uk: This is usually as a percentage of any compensation recovered. class="infoquote "Get in touch today and we'll assess your case for free."< div> Just as a point of clarification, 'no win no fee' and '100% compensation' are not the same thing. class="infoqu...
www.nerolegal.com: So what other things can you look for when trying to pick out the best legal professional for you? Often what a firm focuses on can reveal differences between them. Negative reviews therefore abound. 'nero legal glasgow'). Either they offer a unique type of service, ...
www.mpgqs.com: These are businesses who are willing to have their brand name displayed as recommending the services of another commercial firm. In that regard, the legal industry has made some great strides in consumer information .
class="infoquote "Since 1996 MPG have been pro...
www.bakerhardman.co.uk: Some were complaining about third parties related to the case, while others simply left a negative star rating with no explanation. Just always try to keep aware of which site you are on and who you are emailing back and forth with. The Law Society of England & Wales has an...
www.dispute-resolver.com: While one may sound easier or more likely to succeed on paper, it may not work best for your particular problem. It's possible this could be because the firm is using generic terms in the name - i.e. Our goal is simple: to provide our clients with the service and experience ...
www.cwj.co.uk: But you can end up with a 40-year veteran lawyer from a 1-year old law firm or a 1-year novice solicitor from a 200-year old brand name.
class="infoquote "CWJ is a progressive modern practice that operates proactively on its clients' behalf by combining the knowled...
www.freisolicitors.com: For any given area we might displays results for a general high street solicitor next to a direct access barrister or a specialist non-solicitor solution. We know of long established veteran law firms with zero reviews on Google and 1-year startup legal practices with a fe...
www.edclord.co.uk: There is also a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section that addresses common questions and concerns clients may have. Also you cannot use an ampersand in web addresses so www.edclord&co.co.uk is not possible. 'edc lord and co solicitors southall'. The comments and reviews ...
www.defanksolicitors.com: Their site is HTTPS secure for submitting your personal details in the contact form. For example, a Personal Injury case may have zero costs up front or even at the end of the case since lawyer fees are typically paid by the third party. It's the person taking the case that'...
www.fosterandcoleman.com: The official website for this firm is www.fosterandcoleman.com and currently www.fosterandcoleman.co.uk does not redirect you. This isn't as big an issue for this firm as their case range focuses on business commercial law matters.
Be aware that ampersands can't exi...
www.heritageparkfamilylaw.com: So when you see Heritage Park offering out of hours appointments - that is something helpful other firms may not be offering. While many firms have testimonials on their website, the comments on independent forums usually have more impact:
class="infoquote "extremel...
In this article we're going to share a few tips on how we check up on firms we're thinking of adding. We do not add every single firm out there into a database for you to flick through. This includes alternate contact details, other offices, areas of law practiced, ...
www.uvslaw.co.uk: If there are only 2x people in the firm covering a dozen areas of law - they cannot be 'specialists'. These include work visas, business visas, study visas, family visas, tourist visas, and transit visas.
class="infoquote "We understand that the immigration process ca...
class="infoquote "Harrison's Solicitors underwent rigorous assessment by the Law Society to secure Conveyancing Quality Scheme Accreditation (CQS), the mark of excellence for the home buying process."< div>
So on top of having verified, specialist, qualified st...
class="infoquote "At SG Murphy Solicitors we want to provide a level of customer service that will exceed your expectations. Including each side leaving negative feedback on each other's firm. If they all claim to be that way, then it doesn't help anyone to tell them ...
www.wilfordsmith.com: This one from the Wilford Smith site is very clear , indicating that they have been serving clients for over 40 years.
class="infoquote "always on the end of the phone email when I needed to speak"
"they kept me informed throughout, it was a very frustrating pro...
www.amykinglegal.co.uk: Many don't work for an established brand name at all and strike out on their own.
A quick note on navigation. We've watched utterly confident large firm barristers get ignored by juries in a trial. Also, you could very well end up with a 1-year-qualified solicitor fro...
www.farahfamilylaw.co.uk: As fraudsters https: www.theguardian.com money 2020 feb 29 bank-scam-solicitors-email-hacked" have been faking emails< a> from law firms for decades now. Who knows the short cuts. That's when having a specialist firm could make the difference between achieving the result...
www.englandderbyshire.co.uk: Many have handed their https: www.thisismoney.co.uk money beatthescammers article-13525673 Buying-home-Major-bank-warns-rise-scam-sees-fraudsters-steal-deposits.html" entire house deposit to fraudsters< a>.
The official website is www.englandderbyshire.co.uk which ...
www.solidaire.co.uk: So if you don't get reviews displaying on the first attempted phrase, try something else. We've seen firms state phrases such as "20 years of combined experience within the firm". This means you are able to verify the 'experience' level of any solicitor you might be thinki...
www.largeandgibson.co.uk: However, Quality Solicitors is not the parent company of Large & Gibson or any of the dozens of law firms currenly displaying that honorific. People simply aren't as quick to discuss their divorce, criminal proceeding, or child custody battle in a review forum. We are dedica...
www.oakwoodsolicitors.co.uk: So pay attention and certainly never change payment details based on an 'official-looking' email..
class="infoquote "Our dedicated team of lawyers are committed in delivering the service you deserve by providing tailored legal solutions with your best interest at hea...
www.walkerfoster.com: They are something to watch for on law firm's websites. When looking these up though, Google has made some changes.
A quick note on navigation. The .com version is https-secure though for submitting your personal details on their contact form. Far too many people have...
Please check out the new US Law Firm Reviews section on our sister site.
www.calioclaims.co.uk: As the rules and regulations and guidelines flew around constantly changing - plus with government, law courts, and regulatory bodies constantly disagreeing with each other - it became easier for law firms to have a separate marketing brand. We don't know a single firm that ...
www.marsdenrawsthorn.com: The official website for this firm is www.marsdenrawsthorn.com and currently the .co.uk version does not take you there. Most firms will use words such as 'modern', 'friendly' and 'professional'. Some people just flick through star ratings but that doesn't always give a go...
www.your.law: However, there are no 200-year old lawyers out there waiting to take your case.
class="infoquote "We focus on ... This way you can see the specialist areas of law and experience years any solicitor has. For example, with Law (aka All Law Ltd) it says solicitor Jeffr...